High quality
Tobacco Cut Rag and Logistic Solutions

Tutun Premium SRL

is fully licenced to handle all tobacco products including excised retail products. Our company can import on temporary base all raw products to process them and re-export finished products to final destination. Our clients can use our primary to convert their own tobaccos in cut rag.

Logistics Solutions

Moldova is part of the cis and can emit ct-1 certificate as well as eur-1 certificate being signatory of an agreement with EU countries. The products can be imported in the member states, without custom duties at arrival.

Who we are

Who we are

Tutun Premium srl is an independent and fully licensed Tobacco Company since 2011, 100% EU owned, based in Verejeni, Moldova.

Our Products

Tutun Premium is a fully licensed and independent tobacco company.

Our main activity is to convert tobacco, pre-blended strips and master-blends in cut rag or blended strips, for cigarettes, RYO, MYO, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, snus and shisha use.


Contact us



I.C.S. Tutun Premium srl
S. Verejeni
R – ul Telenesti –
Rep. of Moldova

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